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Professional Services

Accelerate your time to value with custom development solutions

Symphony’s in-house Professional Services team specialises in taking disconnected business-driven processes and digitally transforming them into simple, automated workflows that get the job done faster whilst delighting end-users.

Realize the true potential of innovation by adopting disruptive technologies that can help you build new products and services or reinvent business processes to achieve enhanced operational value.

Participate in a no-obligation scoping exercise to see how Symphony can solve your business needs in a way you never imagined possible.

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How it works
Creating new workflows can be difficult to realise, especially with knowledge and resource barriers working against you. Therefore, the Professional Services team, offered by Symphony’s in-house experts, can help break down inter-departmental strife by working with business stakeholders and end-users to define new target workflows. We then develop these workflows using a highly skilled developer team and help you deliver the target value-add into production as quickly as possible.
What we offer
New Developments
  • Proofs-of-concept
    From the simple to the complex we can design and build bot prototypes that can be used to build internal buy-in.
  • Production
    Let us build, test, and deliver PoC bots to production.
  • Hosting and support
    We can reliably host, support, and maintain bots for you on our stable infrastructure.
One-offs, projects, or ongoing support
Our Professional Services model is flexible to allow you to use us on a one-off build, on a project basis, or for ongoing development support whenever you need it.
Once we’ve captured your business requirements, needs, and aims we’ll provide a proposal including estimated engineering days, and duration, and provide the detailed technical architecture install and design documentation you need.
Delivery options
Code delivered and provided via a Git repo for the customer to run independently. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) remain with Symphony up until the point of delivery, any work done thereafter to extend/enhance the code remains customer property.
Code delivered and hosted by Symphony via GKE and monitored 24/7 by the Support Team. This includes a fee for hosting and support for the bot or extension application.
*Note: this service exposes customer data to Symphony.
Out of the box
The following standard developments are leveraged by our teams and can be quickly customised to your specific business need. If your project utilises one of these pre-built components your cost and time to market may be considerably lower.
Standalone Scripts
On-Premise only
Cloud or On-Premise
Extension Apps
Cloud or On-Premise

Content Export Post-Processing Scripts
Batch-job takes EML Content Export Files and processes them for ingestion in other downstream systems as required. These jobs can manipulate files in the following ways:
  • De-thread / Split EML files into multiple files based on sender lists, email domain or location
  • Copy out EML files which contain specific recipients
  • Split EML files to 30MB or below depending on the downstream system
Symphony Tenant Migration Scripts
Providing the ability to migrate users and content from one instance of Symphony to another, by utilising API and streamlining the process in a way the customer can control as needed.
  • Recreate all users from the origin to the target
  • Transfer all rooms and membership
  • Transfer all content including attachments and timestamps.
Custom Menu Chatbot
Allows end-users to navigate self-service menus to either receive a canned message or engage with a responder group in a 1:1 chat to resolve a particular case or topic of inquiry. The bot features:
  • No-code menu building for administrators
  • Rich case statistics for analytics purposes
  • Responder group logic based on regional availability
  • Auto-escalations and SLA adherence
Blast Distribution List Chatbot
Build and share lists of contacts with your coworkers to send blasts or broadcast messages to en masse, this covers both Symphony and federated users and allows for mobile sending of messages when needed.
  • Create and share lists with your coworkers
  • Attach custom signatures (for WhatsApp dial-backs)
  • Quickly onboard users to your lists in .csv format
SFTP Data Ingestion Chatbot
Enable customers to upload data to a chatbot from an SFTP location and permission for their end-users access to .csv formatted data in either its raw or parsed form.
  • RBAC controls over a table or column-level data access
  • Saved filtered data under specialised commands for quick access
  • Simple notification of data changes or pre-filtered content
Connect Suite Chatbot
Full suite of mobile-friendly Federation management, enabling the quick onboarding of chat users from WeChat, WhatsApp and SMS requires a Connect Suite license to fully enable.
  • Dynamic .vcf contact onboarding from Federated chat platforms
  • Administrate your contacts via Chatbot command on the move
Secure Alias Extension App
Allowing customers to protect the identity of their Federated contacts by obfuscating names to protect identities exposed to the Symphony global directory.
  • Maintain an on-premise map of Symphony UID to Alias
  • Run on-premise provides compliance for special data jurisdictions
1FA Federation Chatbot
Enables Symphony native users to doubly verify the authenticity of Federation users sourced from WhatsApp, WeChat, or SMS by hooking into an internal OTP system or CRM to pull personal detail and query the user before granting further access.
  • Triggers OTP or CRM verification checks sent to the user
  • Verifies receipt of verification check material from end-user
  • Confirms or denies the identity of the target end-user as needed