Remove Member

Removes an existing member from an existing room.

Removes member from an existing room.{id}/membership/remove
Path parameters

Room streamId

Header parameters
idinteger (int64)
Example: 7215545058313


Example: "TEXT"
Example: "Success"
const response = await fetch('{id}/membership/remove', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      "sessionToken": "text",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify({}),
const data = await response.json();
  "format": "TEXT",
  "message": "Success"

🚧 Rules and limitations

  • Currently, it is possible to remove all members from a room, however, this action is not recommended since the removal of all members leaves the room in an unrecoverable state. At any time, a room should have at least one owner.

  • It is not possible to remove members from deactivated rooms.

🚧 Required Permissions

New room members can only be removed by:

  • Owners of the room

  • Compliance Officers and Super Compliance Officers who are not members of the room

  • Service Users with the User Provisioning role (members or not members of the room)

Note: The service user can always remove itself from the room without the need for a particular permission.

See Bot Permissions for a list of roles and associated privileges.

Jumbo Chat Rooms

When creating or deconstructing jumbo rooms (i.e. more than 1,000 members) in one bulk load, please be advised of the following:

  1. Members should be added/deleted 1 member every "3 seconds" to allow key management functions time to process.

  2. Members should be added out of working hours (best is during weekend maintenance)

  3. Ensure at least 2 room owners are created (for room management backup purposes)

Please note, the maximum number of members that can be added to a room is dependent on your service type (i.e. Business or Enterprise Tier). ​ Please notify Symphony Support when creating Jumbo Chat Rooms and our team will advise on maximum room size and monitor your launch.

Last updated