Search Rooms

Search for rooms, querying name, description, and specified keywords.
Query parameters
Header parameters

The search query object.


The search query. Matches the room name and description.

Example: "automobile"
labelsarray of string

A list of room tag labels whose values will be queried.


Restrict the search to active/inactive rooms. If unspecified, search all rooms.

Example: true

Restrict the search to private rooms. If unspecified, search all rooms.

Example: true
ownerUserId (object)
creatorUserId (object)
memberUserId (object)

Sort algorithm to be used. Supports two values: "BASIC" (legacy algorithm) and "RELEVANCE" (enhanced algorithm).

Example: "RELEVANCE"

Restrict the search to the specific room subtype. Valid values are: EMAIL

Example: "EMAIL"


countinteger (int64)

The total number of rooms matched by the search.

Example: 2

The number of skipped results.

Example: 0

The number of returned results.

Example: 10
queryV2RoomSearchCriteria (all of)

Room Query Object. Used to specify the parameters for room search.

roomsarray of V3RoomDetail (object)

A list of rooms matched by the query.

facetedMatchCountarray of FacetedMatchCount (object)

Detailed counts of matched rooms per search criterion.

const response = await fetch('', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      "sessionToken": "text",
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify({
      "query": "automobile"
const data = await response.json();
  "count": 2,
  "skip": 0,
  "limit": 10,
  "query": {
    "query": "automobile",
    "labels": [
    "active": true,
    "private": true,
    "owner": {
      "id": 7215545058313
    "creator": {
      "id": 7215545058313
    "member": {
      "id": 7215545058313
    "sortOrder": "RELEVANCE",
    "subType": "EMAIL"
  "rooms": [
      "roomAttributes": {
        "name": "Automobile Industry Room",
        "description": "<p>Room to discuss car companies</p>",
        "membersCanInvite": true,
        "readOnly": false,
        "copyProtected": false,
        "crossPod": false,
        "viewHistory": false,
        "public": false,
        "multiLateralRoom": false,
        "__$markdownParsed": true
      "roomSystemInfo": {
        "id": "tzwvAZIdDMG3ZPRxv+xsgH///qr+JJkWdA==",
        "creationDate": 1464615003895,
        "createdByUserId": 7696581411197,
        "active": true
      "roomAttributes": {
        "name": "Tesla Room",
        "keywords": [
            "key": "industry",
            "value": "automobile"
        "description": "<p>Discussions on TSLA</p>",
        "membersCanInvite": true,
        "readOnly": false,
        "copyProtected": false,
        "crossPod": false,
        "viewHistory": false,
        "public": false,
        "multiLateralRoom": false,
        "__$markdownParsed": true
      "roomSystemInfo": {
        "id": "o6UkQ1TEmU0Tf/DHUlZrCH///qr+JQowdA==",
        "creationDate": 1464614974947,
        "createdByUserId": 7696581411197,
        "active": true
  "facetedMatchCount": [
      "facet": "industry",
      "count": 1

📘 Room Search Scope

Room search is performed on the set of:

  • All rooms that the calling user is a member of (private or public, active or inactive)

  • All active public rooms

  • Private rooms that the calling user is not a member of, where the room is set to be visible in search, is active and the room does not contain any user with whom the calling user has an information barrier

Note: visit Overview for an overview of streams.

The description is only searched for hashtags and cashtags containing the search query. For example if query were foo and the description of a room contained "foo", this room would not be returned in the search results; however, if the description contained "#foo", this room would be returned in the search results.

Last updated