Unfollow User

Make a list of users to stop following a specific user.

🚧 Rules

  • The Service Account should have the Role "User Provisioning" in order to make these changes for any user or itself.

  • It is impossible for a user/service account to follow himself. The fact that the user/service account to unfollow (whose id is the uid from path param) is part of the list followers will not generate an error in the payload:

    • a 200 should still be received and nothing will happen regarding the affected user/service account;

    • the other users included in the list will however stop following the user to be unfollowed (the one whose id is in path param as uid).

  • If an invalid user id is part of the list followers, then:

    • a 400 error will be received in the payload mentioning the invalid user id;

    • the other users included in the list will however stop following the user to be unfollowed (the one whose id is in path param as uid).

  • The fact that one of the user from the list followers does not follow the considered user (whose id is the uid from path param as the one to unfollow) will not generate an error in the payload: a 200 should still be received. The involved user from the followers list will still be out of the list of followers of the user to unfollow.

When calling this as an OBO-enabled endpoint, use the OBO User Authenticate token for sessionToken.

📘 See also

  • Follow User to make a list of users to start following a specific user

Last updated